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Come to know more about Em Três Atos

Who am I


Hello, my name is Mariana Prieto, I am a classical dancer and teacher of classical ballet and jazz.
Ballet came into my life in 1989, when I was just three years old. I dedicated my childhood years to studying classical ballet and at the age of 15 I graduated for the first time at the Municipal School of Ballet of São Caetano do Sul. There I had the opportunity to meet and study with great ballet masters, course by Maria Olenewa, among others.

I specialized in the Royal Academy of Dance, ballet and jazz workshops with names like Edson Santos, Kátia Barros and Matthew Prescott (who was already a choreographer at Joffrey Ballet). I took other courses such as Alice Arja's Teacher Course, Petite Danse, Original Power Ballet, in addition to several others that shaped me and helped me to be the teacher that I am today.

At the same time, I have a degree in Fashion Business and a postgraduate degree in Business Management from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, with specializations in the area of marketing, administration and finance.

I am an enthusiast of Latin languages, I studied French and Italian for a long time. I love the arts, I collect books by great artists, visits museums around the world and whenever I can, I draw.

Currently, I am a Physiotherapy course at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul, Director of Scientific Projects at the Academic Center XIII of October and I have been working on projects in the area of health research.

photo: @rkarelisky

Our Philosophy

I always wanted to write about ballet. Ballet is one of my great passions and I have always lived with art by my side. Em Três Atos appeared unpretentiously, with the idea of sharing content on more didactic classical ballet on networks like Instagram. The blog's philosophy has always been to spread dance to all bodies and all ages, without that stereotype that a dancer must be super flexible, start her studies as a child and be super thin. When we speak of ballet as a physical activity, and by the way one of the most complete activities, ballet can and must accept diversity.
Today, in addition to being a content page on dance on social networks, Em Três Atos also offers courses, workshops and master classes for dancers and teachers looking for development.

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EM TRÊS ATOS - Mariana Prieto da Silva

Rua José de Alencar, 309 - São Caetano do Sul

CNPJ: 54.871.930/0001-40

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